Our method

Freedom through structure

We relish thinking creatively and take great pride in being meticulously methodical about refining that creativity into the very best solution. Our method gives us the framework we need to structure our approach, allowing our creativity shine as we develop a custom solution for the success of your business

This end-to-end approach improves feasibility and longevity, with each stage feeding more value into the next.

Method stages

Initial investigations

The get-to-know-you phase, we’ll deep-dive into your business, examining the problem you’ve brought to the table and finding out what you hope to achieve through working with us.

Strategy and planning

We seem to be a good fit, so now comes the deeper research and planning to begin looking for viable solutions to give you an edge in your industry.

Build and iterate

With an agreed-upon solution, we’ll start creating. This is an iterative process with regular feedback from you as we work towards the best possible finished product.


Using a full implementation plan and thorough testing protocols to ensure things go smoothly, your software goes live for use. Depending on the size and scale of the solution this could be a staged process.

Support, maintain, grow

We offer long-term maintenance and support with an eye to future possibilities for growth, making sure you’re three steps ahead and ready to seize any opportunities that come your way.

Get a Headstart

The Headstart platform offers security and scalability alongside the freedom required to get creative with a custom software solution. It de-risks the custom solution route by providing an up to date and proven framework to build on. With a consistent structure as a starting, the possibilities for customisation are limitless and opportunities to upgrade, grow and scale are built-in.

Think of it as a boost that helps us get your custom software up and running smoother and faster.

Ready to change what’s possible for your business? Let’s talk.